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Procedures & Claim Documents

Please select from the menu below to download claims forms and claims guidance.


File a Claim

What type of claim do you want to file?

Step 1: Attach supporting documents

The table below lists the actions that you are required to take and the main supporting documents that you need to supply for selected claims.

Claim Main Action and / or Supporting Document Required

Road Accident or Theft of Vehicle​
Report to police immediately and provide the following information and documents to the PT. Great Eastern General Insurance Indonesia claims services team within three days:
  • An estimate of repair costs, if insured under a comprehensive policy
  • A copy of the driver's identity card (KTP) and valid driving license (SIM)
  • A copy of the vehicle registration document (STNK).
  • In addition for Total Loss Claim:
  1. Original Policy
  2. Original STNK and tax invoice
  3. Original BPKB
  4. Police report (Polsek), Kaditserse and STNK blocked letter
Third Party Claims
  • Do not make any admission, offer, promise, payment or indemnity without the prior consent of PT. Great Eastern General Insurance Indonesia
  • Immediately forward to the PT. Great Eastern General Insurance Indonesia claims services team all received letters or claims
  • In addition it is advisable to record: 
  1. The particulars and the nature of any bodily injury involved
  2. The vehicle registration numbers for all vehicles involved in the incident
  3. The contact details of all other parties involved

Claim form is applicable to all types of motor insurance products.
Please fill in the form to lodge your claim :


Step 2: Submit your documents

Submit it to our claims department Claim Forms that have been completed with supporting documents, stamped and signed by the Company / Insured.

Telephone: +62 21 5723737 (Monday-Friday, 08.30 – 17.30)
Fax: +62 21 5710547/48

Central Office:
Midplaza 2, 23 floor 
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 10-11
Jakarta 10220 Indonesia

(or the closest branch in your city)
After verifying, we will contact you to submit the status of your claim.
We understand the importance of giving a quick response, and therefore we will contact you as soon as possible. Thanks.

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Great Eastern General Insurance Indonesia is licensed & supervised by Financial Services Authority (OJK)
Great Eastern General Insurance Indonesia is licensed & supervised by Financial Services Authority (OJK)